Southern Whippets and Gazehounds

Ocala,  FL


Heats Run:  4

Entry:   92

In Conjunction:   NT 

Race Secretary:   Julie Vermeulen

Placement Race Points    Call Name Name Grade Owner WRCh Pts Nat Pts
1 15.000 SCR 4 Evey Wildabout's Vendetta N Rees, K 0.000 0.000
2 9.000 SCR 4 Wasabi-Fa Wildabout Sushi N Falck, L 0.000 0.000
3 4.000 SCR 3 Ducati Carbeth Golden Ducat at PSF N Data, B 0.000 0.000
1 26.000   Miles-G WildAbout Peter Barker A Ghielmetti, B 8.000 8.000
2 24.000   Revenant Jammin' Fear Factor A Ziegler, B 0.000 6.000
3 19.500   Keto WildAbout Bread And Butter A Simmons, B 0.000 4.000
4 19.000   Joplin-H Vitesse Janis Joplin at QuiXandz A Hattery, M 0.000 2.000
5 17.000   Bookie Lexington's Fair Play A Argo, L 0.000 0.000
6 16.000   Chase-Ra Lexington's Love the Chase at Casino Rialcel A Randolph, K 0.000 0.000
7 16.000   Griffey Wildabout Home Run Hitter A Apple, D 0.000 0.000
8 15.000   Sonic-R Sandstorm Breaking the Sound Barrier B Robertson, L 6.000 0.000
9 15.000   Piper-I Wildtucks Piper At The Gates Of Dawn A Irvine, J 0.000 0.000
10 14.000   Dragon-K Sandstorm Red - Dragon A King, S 0.000 0.000
11 13.000   Rum Vitesse Sandstorm Rumble A Sells, C 0.000 0.000
12 13.000   Dutch Devereux Flying Dutchman B Detweiler, C 4.000 0.000
13 12.500   Axl Jammin' Sweet Chai O' Mine A Eberl, J 0.000 0.000
14 12.000   Jigsaw PSF All the Right Pieces D Data, J 0.000 0.000
15 12.000   Mira-Ki Carbeth Cobalt Mirage B Kirchner, C 0.667 0.000
16 12.000   Zephyr Racemor Goddess of the West Wind A Krick, J 0.667 0.000
17 12.000   Picanha PSF A Cut Above B Data, B 0.667 0.000
18 11.000   Gnocchi Wildabout Gnocchi Alla Romana at TCS A Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
19 11.000   Tanooki Offspring's Challenge Me A O'Leary, P 0.000 0.000
20 11.000   Winter Touchdbyfire Winter is Coming B Budau, C 0.000 0.000
21 10.500   Empress Jammin' Tea at the Empress B Behnke, L 0.000 0.000
22 10.000   Freestyle Quixand Jammin Freestyle C Heiniger, S 0.000 0.000
23 10.000   Rebel-S Wheatland I'm A Rebel Just For Kicks A Salts, D 0.000 0.000
24 10.000   Swift-S Vitesse Sandstorm Swift Feet C Sells, C 0.000 0.000
25 10.000   Greya Touchdbyfire it's Black and White A Budau, C 0.000 0.000
26 10.000   Divina Vitesse Caelestis Admiratio A Fyler, T 0.000 0.000
27 10.000   Suzy Q Shannon Down Run Through the Jungle B Lyons, S 0.000 0.000
28 10.000   Suede-D Vitesse Rough Out at PSF C Data, B 0.000 0.000
29 10.000   Kitsune Saesi Lambent at Lejend B May, I 0.000 0.000
30 9.500   Smudge-H Magnolio B Husted, B 0.000 0.000
31 9.000   JJ-M Wyndancer's Jetta Junior Mint C McDonald, L 0.000 0.000
32 9.000   Tony-C Shoreline's Rigatoni Royale B Campo, L 0.000 0.000
33 9.000   Navi Wildabout Hey! Listen! A O'Leary, A 0.000 0.000
34 9.000   Jumper-T Jump Like a Girl Sonic Workaholic C Taaffe, S 0.000 0.000
35 8.000   Hopper Quixand Easy Rider A Holbrook, B 0.000 0.000
36 8.000   Rooster-S Touchdbyfire Wingman C Swann, C 0.000 0.000
37 8.000   Alias TCS Codename: Blank C Mackey, S 0.000 0.000
38 8.000   Grit QuiXandz Wyndkist Sand Between My Toes B King, S 0.000 0.000
39 8.000   Willow-Ro Sureshot Notoriously Shoplyfted B Roselli, M 0.000 0.000
40 8.000   Tiago Hilerica Sky Pilot B Adley, D 0.000 0.000
41 8.000   Vento Velvetgun the Winter's Tale D Scholz, D 0.000 0.000
42 8.000   Ryka Galeforce the End of the Rainbow C Lyttle, G 0.000 0.000
43 8.000   Siggy Shannon Down TCS Shield-Maiden C Mackey, S 0.000 0.000
44 8.000   Cala Sandstorm Ocala Girl B Maiolino, D 0.000 0.000
45 7.000   Vendetta Touchdbyfire TCS Axe to Grind C Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
46 7.000   Rye Sandstorm Good Ole Girls Drinking Rye B Jenkins, A 0.000 0.000
47 7.000   Rodeo Vitesse Rodeo Star at PSF D Data, J 0.000 0.000
48 7.000   CC-H QuiXandz Chicken on a Chain A Hattery, K 0.000 0.000
49 7.000   Spirit-G Vitesse Spirit of the Dance C Gregory, R 0.000 0.000
50 7.000   Elia Shannon Down Super Blue Fantasy C Lyons, S 0.000 0.000
51 7.000   Calli Poeta Whatchamacallit C Detweiler, C 0.000 0.000
52 7.000   Tipsy Shoreline's Penne Alla Vodka B Campo, J 0.000 0.000
53 6.000   Barley-K Shannon Down Onward C Keyser, L 0.000 0.000
54 6.000   Gibbs-W Bushbaby NCIS Special Button in Charge B Wolski, B 0.000 0.000
55 6.000   Kink Wyndancer's Sweet Treats at Go C Sells, C 0.000 0.000
56 5.000   Sonic-S Touchdbyfire Afterburn B Swann, C 0.000 0.000
57 5.000   Java-E Bushbaby Lost at Sea C Ellinger, J 0.000 0.000
58 5.000   Fame Sirensong Claim to Fame C Verna, L 0.000 0.000
59 5.000   Fern Devereux Wandering Wild (DII) D Bass, A 0.000 0.000
60 5.000   Encore Quixand SDW Act Three D Lyons, S 0.000 0.000
61 5.000   Maverick-F TCS Comin' In Hot C Fry, L 0.000 0.000
62 5.000   Tsunami Longrun's TCS Florida Keys B Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
63 5.000   GG Saesi Radiance C May, E 0.000 0.000
64 5.000   Bro Wheatland Brocade A Otero, K 0.000 0.000
65 5.000   Gypsy-H Shannon Down I Put a Spell on you @ Nitro C Horner, R 0.000 0.000
66 5.000   Heiress On Target's It's Apparent C Ziegler, B 0.000 0.000
67 5.000   Triple Doa Triple Shot Espresso D Ludwig, A 0.000 0.000
68 5.000   Patch Wheatland Sonic Flyer C Buening, M 0.000 0.000
69 4.000   Cammie Wheatland Cambria C Husted, B 0.000 0.000
70 4.000   Warrior TCS Road Warrior by Cash Creek D Mackey, J 0.000 0.000
71 4.000 PSCR 3 Snacks WildAbout Just Here For The Snacks A Kelsey, A 0.000 0.000
72 4.000 SCR 3 Voodoo-H Shannon Down Superstitious at Nitro A Horner, R 0.000 0.000
73 3.000   Boujee Fancy Like Devereux D Bass, A 0.000 0.000
74 3.000   Calamity Jane DOA Jammin' Sharpshooter C Weber, J 0.000 0.000
75 3.000   Wednesday Saesi Splendorous B Ellinger, J 0.000 0.000
76 3.000 SCR 4 Lilly-Hi Ragapple Lil Voyager B Hilsky, J 0.000 0.000
77 3.000 SCR 4 Victor PSF Rise to the Top D Robertson, L 0.000 0.000
78 3.000 SCR 3 Kraken-M Saesi Borealis Mawsaw D May, I 0.000 0.000
79 3.000 SCR 3 RavenStar Kentfield RavenStar D Maiolino, D 0.000 0.000
80 2.000   Wild Devereux Born to be Wild (DII) D Bass, A 0.000 0.000
81 2.000   Nami PSF Go Sandstorm More Then A Ripple Tsunami D Sells, C 0.000 0.000
82 2.000   Scooter Longrun's on Top of the World at Rosewood B Slater, M 0.000 0.000
83 2.000 SCR 3 Rogue Wildtuck's Interstellar Overdrive A Manetti, M 0.000 0.000
84 2.000 SCR 3 Whammy QuiXandz Wyndkist Sand Whammy B Weilbacher, S 0.000 0.000
85 0.000   Chip-T Triplestar Blue Chip Stock (DII) C Trainor, T 0.000 0.000
86 0.000   Beaker Horsetooth Agent 99 (DII) B Beagan, S 0.000 0.000
87 0.000   Gale Ragapple Lady Throws the Gauntlet D Mark, A 0.000 0.000
88 0.000 SCR 3 Dandylion Shannon Down Epic D Fyler, D 0.000 0.000
89 0.000 SCR 3 Ember-B Devereux Hearts Afire (DII) D Bass, A 0.000 0.000
90 0.000 SCR 3 Reddi-H Carbeth Half Moon Image D Husted, B 0.000 0.000
91 0.000 SCR 2 Dusty-J Willa's Dust Devil C Jackson, J 0.000 0.000
92 0.000 SCR 2 Figment DOA One Little Spark of Inspiration D Weber, J 0.000 0.000
Race by Race Results
Heat 1
Race 1: Evey , Wasabi-Fa , Ducati
Race 2: Jigsaw , Kraken-M , Vento , Fern , RavenStar , Gale
Race 3: Rodeo , Victor , Nami , Triple , Wild , Reddi-H
Race 4: Encore , Boujee , Warrior , Dandylion , Ember-B , Figment (DNF) (Scr)
Race 5: Alias , Barley-K , JJ-M , Dusty-J (Scr) , Patch
Race 6: Vendetta , Kink , Jumper-T , Gypsy-H , Cammie
Race 7: Java-E , Rooster-S , Ryka , GG , Elia
Race 8: Fame , Calli , Siggy , Heiress , Chip-T
Race 9: Swift-S , Freestyle , Spirit-G , Suede-D , Maverick-F , Calamity Jane
Race 10: Tiago , Tony-C , Rye , Cala , Picanha , Kitsune
Race 11: Sonic-S , Grit , Suzy Q , Tipsy , Dutch , Winter
Race 12: Sonic-R , Lilly-Hi , Gibbs-W , Wednesday , Whammy , Willow-Ro
Race 13: Mira-Ki , Smudge-H / Empress , Scooter , Tsunami , Beaker
Race 14: Miles-G , Tanooki , Hopper , CC-H , Divina , Bro
Race 15: Bookie , Rum , Chase-Ra , Snacks , Gnocchi , Greya
Race 16: Keto , Axl , Joplin-H , Dragon-K , Rebel-S , Navi
Race 17: Revenant , Piper-I , Zephyr , Voodoo-H , Griffey , Rogue
Heat 2
Race 1: Evey , Wasabi-Fa , Ducati (Scr)
Race 2: Fern , RavenStar (Scr) , Wild , Gale , Reddi-H (Scr) , Triple
Race 3: Elia , Gypsy-H , Cammie , Patch , Dandylion (Scr) , Ember-B (Scr)
Race 4: Suede-D , GG , Heiress , Maverick-F , Calamity Jane , Chip-T
Race 5: Dutch , Winter , Picanha , Kitsune , Cala , Tipsy
Race 6: Willow-Ro , Tsunami , Whammy (Scr) , Wednesday , Scooter , Beaker
Race 7: JJ-M , Ryka , Vento , Jumper-T , Nami , Warrior
Race 8: Rye , Suzy Q , Gibbs-W , Spirit-G , Siggy , Bro
Race 9: Greya , Empress , Smudge-H , Navi , Rogue (Scr) , Kraken-M (Scr)
Race 10: Rooster-S , Barley-K , Calli , Kink , Boujee , Victor
Race 11: Freestyle , Gnocchi , Grit , Tony-C , Divina , Lilly-Hi
Race 12: Griffey , Dragon-K , Rebel-S , Voodoo-H (Scr) , Snacks , CC-H
Race 13: Jigsaw , Alias , Vendetta , Rodeo , Java-E , Encore
Race 14: Sonic-R , Swift-S , Mira-Ki , Sonic-S , Tiago , Fame
Race 15: Chase-Ra , Joplin-H , Tanooki , Rum , Zephyr , Hopper
Race 16: Miles-G , Revenant , Keto , Bookie , Axl , Piper-I
Heat 3
Race 1: Evey (Scr) , Wasabi-Fa (Scr)
Race 2: Maverick-F , Calamity Jane , Patch , Chip-T , Gale , Triple
Race 3: Kitsune , Cala , Tipsy , Scooter , Beaker
Race 4: Picanha , Wednesday , Cammie , Heiress , Wild
Race 5: Spirit-G , Siggy , Jumper-T , Bro , Nami , Warrior
Race 6: Navi , Winter , Tsunami , GG , Gypsy-H , Victor (DNF) (Scr)
Race 7: Divina , Tony-C , Vento , Kink , Lilly-Hi (Scr) , Boujee
Race 8: Smudge-H , CC-H , Elia , Gibbs-W , Fern , Snacks (PScr)
Race 9: Dutch , Willow-Ro , Suzy Q , Calli , Ryka , Suede-D
Race 10: Rebel-S , Grit , Rodeo , Java-E , Fame , Encore
Race 11: Empress , Hopper , Zephyr , Sonic-S , Tiago , Barley-K
Race 12: Rum , Gnocchi , Dragon-K , Greya , Rye , JJ-M
Race 13: Axl , Piper-I , Freestyle , Mira-Ki , Rooster-S , Vendetta
Race 14: Joplin-H , Griffey , Jigsaw , Tanooki , Alias , Swift-S
Race 15: Miles-G , Keto , Revenant , Chase-Ra , Bookie , Sonic-R
Heat 4
Race 1: Triple , Patch , Scooter , Chip-T , Beaker , Gale
Race 2: Tipsy , Heiress , Warrior , Wild , Nami
Race 3: Cala , Bro , Gypsy-H , Calamity Jane , Wednesday
Race 4: Jumper-T , Kink , GG , Cammie , Boujee
Race 5: Kitsune , Siggy , Gibbs-W , Maverick-F , Tsunami
Race 6: Suede-D , Ryka , Calli , Fern , Encore
Race 7: Winter , Tiago , Vento , Sonic-S , Java-E , Fame
Race 8: Picanha , Tony-C , Navi , Spirit-G , Barley-K , Elia
Race 9: Zephyr , Suzy Q , JJ-M , Rye , Rodeo , CC-H
Race 10: Mira-Ki , Greya , Divina , Grit , Vendetta , Willow-Ro
Race 11: Dragon-K , Tanooki , Swift-S , Hopper , Rooster-S , Alias
Race 12: Piper-I , Dutch , Gnocchi , Smudge-H , Freestyle , Rebel-S
Race 13: Griffey , Sonic-R , Rum , Empress , Axl , Jigsaw
Race 14: Revenant , Joplin-H , Miles-G , Bookie , Keto , Chase-Ra

Notes:  **NATIONAL**

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